All summer events are meeting at Middle Way House unless otherwise communicated. Come in through the New Wings gate and press the buzzer on the left-side door at 338 S. Washington Street, Bloomington IN, 47401. Parking is available behind the Allison Jukebox Center, at the park across the street.
Queer Talk is a series of events for people who identify on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Events include one-off game nights for people to meet peers and build connections; open book clubs to get to know others in the queer community while reading community care, healing, and anti-oppressive books together; RPG campaigns to practice our skills in crisis intervention; and Queer Peer Advocacy support groups to strengthen our safety nets and to make room for our own healing processes, while supporting others. Dates and times for book clubs and open games nights are listed above, and are updated on the Middle Way House Facebook page.
Reach out about Queer Peer Advocacy Support Groups or to join the next RPG campaign by emailing