Support Groups
Ongoing Middle Way House Support Groups
All services are free and confidential.
Middle Way House provides various support groups for survivors of human trafficking, as well as domestic and sexual violence. Individuals do not need to be receiving other services from Middle Way House or be residents of our emergency shelter or transitional housing programs in order to attend these groups. However, an informational conversation is required before participating in the first group. For more information or to request to join, call: (812) 336-0846.
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Free, ongoing facilitated support groups tailored to participant needs. Open to all communities.
Free, ongoing facilitated support groups tailored to participant needs. Open to all communities.
Middle Way House is partnering with The Bloomington Center for Connection (BCC) to offer a new facilitated support group for youth who have experienced any form of sexual violence. The BCC is currently accepting intakes for this ongoing group, which will meet bi-weekly. This group provides a safe space and is led by BCC staff. Participants will have the opportunity to guide the topics and focus areas of discussion.