Organizational Statements
Serving those in crisis for 50 years.
Accordion Content
- To work to end incidents of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking;
- To implement and sustain meaningful alternatives to living with domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking;
- To meet the specific housing, employment and service needs of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking and their children;
- To increase the likelihood that survivors will overcome whatever negative consequences have impacted them and go on to experience success at home, in school and in the wider community;
- To offer a comprehensive range of services responsive to individual needs and differences;
- To improve the response of community agencies and institutions when survivors and children report domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking and seek remedies for violence, and prepare to move on with their lives;
- To advocate for the transformation of social structures so that they lead to empowerment;
- To network with and provide training to other professionals likely to interact with survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking;
- To reach out, using a variety of media, to the general public to raise awareness of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking and provide information about the cycle of violence and available remedies, and encourage sensitive and appropriate responses to victims and survivors;
- To present programming designed to enhance peoples’ capacity to engage constructively with others, solve problems and resolve conflicts without violence or the imposition of power and control, and establish and maintain intimate relationships based on equality;
- To solicit, receive and use for the purposes set forth herein donations or grants of money, property, or services from an individual or group, corporate entity, foundation, or agency whether public or private;
- To transact any and all lawful business for which nonprofit corporations, or their subsidiaries, may be incorporated.
Organizational Goals:
- Clarify staff roles, responsibilities and evaluation;
- Review, update, or create board governance documents;
- Become a model employer;
- Develop a board education plan.
Program Goals:
- Ensure that continuing and new programs are mission driven;
- Create methodical evaluation process and systems to measure success and impact;
- Review, update or create written plans for partnerships with community and partners that align with Middle Way House’s mission.
Development Goals:
- Ensure a budget that supports organizational and programmatic goals;
- Revise fund development goals, principles, and policies and increase external revenues;
- Create a 12-month calendar for all external constituency activities;
- Design a capital improvement plan;
- Define Middle Way House brand and image expectations.
Our Response to COVID-19
March 2022 – Amidst the rising Covid-19 public safety concern, we at Middle Way House continue to take the necessary precautions, as guided by the CDC, to ensure the health and safety of our staff and clients and are dedicated to being available to help survivors as the pandemic continues.
Currently, masks are optional, and we are continuing to observe social distancing. We are also asking that employees who are sick to please stay at home, and we are supporting our employees with any personal challenges that may arise during this time.
Your financial support is vital to our agency as it allows us to continue serving those who depend on us, and we ask that you consider making a donation below or text MiddleWay to 44-321. If you would like to make a donation from our wish list, please visit for more information.
We truly appreciate your love, generosity, and support of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking survivors as we diligently work to keep everyone healthy and safe during this challenging time!
Organizational Model
Our clients are at the center of everything we do. By prioritizing our clients, we recognize that our work is ultimately for them and commit to treating them with dignity and respect. We provide comprehensive, trauma-informed, and culturally inclusive services tailored to their self-identified needs and desired course of action.