What to Consider

Things to think about when planning to get help.

Are you in a safe place?

If you have been a victim of violence the first thing you need to consider is your own safety. Even if the abuser is in police custody, he or she may be released in 12-24 hours. You may want to stay with your friends or family. If that’s not possible, or if it puts your loved ones in danger, contact Middle Way House at (812) 336-0846. We can tell you about options for safe housing (including our emergency shelter, transitional and permanent housing), community resources, counseling, legal advocates, and support groups. If you do not live in South Central Indiana, you can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for services in your area at (800) 799-7233.

Do you have a safety plan?

Here are some things to think about and arrange when creating a safety plan for yourself:

Do you realize you are not responsible for the violence?

Violence is a choice. The person using violence is the person who chose it. That person is responsible for the choice. You do not deserve to be abused. You do not deserve to be hurt even if you argue, complain, or refuse to do something your partner wants you to do. The violence is not your fault even if you were drinking, using drugs, or if you made a big mistake.
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