Sexual Assault Support

It's not your fault. You are not alone. We believe you.



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Our advocates are here to support you both over the phone and in person. To request to speak with a sexual assault advocate please call the help and crisis line at (812) 336-0846.

Over the phone: Advocates are available 24/7/365 to discuss, process, and support people who have experienced sexual assault, or know someone who has experienced sexual assault. This includes, but is not limited to survivors of childhood sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sex trafficking. In addition to this support, advocates can help connect you with community resources, develop safety plans, and provide you with information regarding your options.

In Person: Our advocates can meet with you at the hospital, police station, Middle Way House, and the office of the Monroe County Clerk. On-scene advocates can help you navigate the various agencies you may work with post-assault, provide emotional support, and connect you with community resources. These advocates are also available 24/7/365. On-scene advocacy is also available in Greene County for both the hospital and law enforcement agencies (812) 384-8769. It is also available for law enforcement agencies in Martin (812) 295-2993 and Owen
(812) 829-1660 counties.

Our crisis intervention staff offer support groups for survivors of sexual assault as well as survivors of incest. The survivors of incest group is the first of its kind in the history of our agency and is the only peer-led incest support group in the state of Indiana. It is held in addition to a sexual assault support group for individuals who have experienced sexual violence of any kind.

Survivors of incest may choose to attend one or both groups, which are well attended and, through word of mouth and outreach efforts, continue to grow. While the support groups are facilitated by crisis intervention staff, topics and focus areas are led by participants’ needs and desires. Both groups are free and ongoing. Survivors may request to join at any time. To learn more about these support groups, contact the 24/7 help and crisis line (812) 336-0846and ask to speak with a facilitator.

Trained peers and on-scene advocates can offer 24/7 immediate intervention and support on a walk-in basis. No appointment or previous contact is necessary. It could be helpful, if possible, to call the 24/7 help and crisis line (812) 336-0846 if you need our address and/or to let our advocates know to expect you. Greene
(812) 829-1660 and Owen (812) 829-1660 counties also offer the following walk-in services: Legal Advocacy, Personal Advocacy, Case Management, Mobile Advocacy, Sexual Assault Support Services, Human Trafficking Support Services, Prevention Programming (Building Healthy Relationships), and Community Education Programming.

The Middle Way House Legal Advocacy Program provides legal advocates who work directly with survivors of sexual assault. Legal advocates can assist clients in petitioning the court for protective orders, and make referrals to Middle Way House services and community resources. If a sexual assault survivor is involved in the legal system, legal advocates and MWH trained legal program volunteers accompany victims to court hearings and case-related appointments to provide emotional support. Volunteers monitor court hearings and assist advocates as needed. Because we believe survivors are in the best position to make decisions about their own lives, legal advocates provide options and do not tell survivors what to do or force them to make any decisions regarding their particular situation.

Our legal advocates are well trained and experienced in providing safety planning and can discuss many of the technical, medical, and legal aspects that may be relevant after sexual assault or rape has occurred. Many victims of domestic violence experience sexual assault as a form of their abuse. Legal advocates are able to help survivors address the intersection of these issues.

Our legal advocacy program also coordinates services with the Protective Order Project (POP), at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, which provides assistance with volunteer attorney back-up for persons seeking protective orders, and the Monroe County Clerks Office for victims who are self-petitioning.

Outside of Monroe County, legal advocates are available to assist people in Greene, Lawrence, Owen, Martin, and Morgan counties over the phone, and clients can visit our Owen, Greene and Martin County locations, or our Bloomington office location for legal advocacy. Contact information for the county offices can be found here.

Our crisis intervention staff provide educational and awareness programming upon request. We are able to provide workshops, trainings, and presentations on topics relating to sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, rape culture, crisis intervention, consent, healthy relationships, and more. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about these services. The County offices also offer these workshops, trainings and presentations for interested parties, including community groups, agencies, organizations and law enforcement.

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