Crisis Intervention FAQs

Below are the most frequently asked questions we receive.
When are your services available?

ur Help & Crisis Line, Help & Crisis Live Chat, and On-Scene Advocate services are available 24/7/365.

Who can access your services?

We strive to make our services available to all demographics. We work with people of all backgrounds, genders, ages, abilities, and orientations.

Does someone need to be in crisis to use our services and Help & Crisis line?

No, we understand that people seek support in many different circumstances. We are available to provide resources and support to people even when there is no immediate crisis.

When I call the Help & Crisis Line or use the Help & Crisis Live Chat, am I really anonymous?

Yes, you are anonymous! We don't have access to your phone number or your IP address. The only information we have is what you tell us. And, if you choose to disclose identifying information to us, it is confidential. (Note that we are mandatory reporters, so if we receive identifying information about a minor being abused, we have to make a DCS report.)

If someone calls to ask if I use your services, what will you tell them?

We understand how crucial confidentiality is to our clients' safety. We will not confirm or deny if someone uses our services without a specific written release from our client. If someone calls asking, we will inform the caller that we cannot confirm or deny whether the person they are asking about uses our services or not.

What rights do survivors have at the hospital after a sexual assault?
  • Right to an advocate;
  • Right to confidential communications with an advocate;
  • Right to no cost forensic exam;
  • Right to decline/skip portions/end exam as requested.
    How much will an evidentiary exam cost me out of pocket?

    Nothing. A survivor is not responsible for the costs associated with the collection of evidence. The costs of an evidentiary exam are covered by the Criminal Justice Institute's Sexual Assault Reimbursement fund and should not be billed to the survivor.

    If I start an evidentiary exam, am I required to complete each step?

    No, the evidentiary exam is completely voluntary and any portion can be skipped at the survivor's request.

    Where can an MWH on-scene advocate meet me?

    We often meet at the hospital, but our team also offers On-Scene Advocacy at the police station, clerk's office, and at Middle Way House.

    What are the benefits of having an on-scene advocate?
    • Out of all the professionals involved, we are the only ones who have the sole purpose of providing support to the survivor and advocating for their needs, which includes:
    • Emotional support, affirmation, & empowerment;
    • Support during forensic exam/medical process;
    • Safety planning;
    • Connections to situation-specific resources.
    Are you a mandatory reporter of child abuse and neglect?

    Yes. In the state of Indiana, everyone is a mandatory reporter, meaning that anyone who has specific knowledge of child abuse or neglect MUST report it.
